Unterstütze uns besonders in den Corona-Zeiten mit dem Kauf eines Loses oder spende direkt
Blicke mit den Kindern hinter die Kulissen und erfahre, wie unsere Kinder den Corona-Alltag meistern und die Projekte ihnen dabei helfen, diese schwere Zeit gut zu überstehen.
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Our ORANGE HOUSES and regional workshop and creative offers can make a big difference. On the one hand, they serve as a retreat for refueling and on the other hand
as a space for creativity and self-realization. In the last few months were
a real blessing to get the children thinking about other things. That
To workin the workshops is not only fun for the children – it helps
ihnen auf ganz vielen Ebenen. Den Kindern wird etwas zugetraut.
Sie werden handwerklichand physically fit, train theirscon
centration, lets get outtry and on their own work
grow until they are proud andare happy with it.
The Hoffmann Group Foundation will continue to do its best in the future
give,to support the children and the offers in the
facilitiesto maintain.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones and stay healthy!